Sourdough bread Saigon;
People have called bread the staff of life, but like a lot of other foods on the market today, bread isn’t what it used to be or what it could be.
Real bread is made not with yeast that comes in packets but with sourdough, which is a natural leavening. Real bread is also easier on your stomach and your wallet than yeasted breads made today. This makes it not only healthy but also affordable. Sourdough can be made with just two simple ingredients and a few simple steps. It will make your bread taste better, be healthier, and be easier to digest.

How Sourdough Works?
Sourdough bread starts with a sourdough starter, which is just flour and water mixed together. When there is a steady supply of food, air, and warmth, yeasts, acids, and bacteria start to grow in this mixture. For the best rise in baked goods, the starter should have more yeast than bacteria.
When a sourdough starter is mixed with flour and water to make dough, it makes sourdough bread. This sourdough starter has lactobacilli bacteria that eat the flour and make gases that get trapped in the flour and water mixture and make the bread rise.
Acids are made at the same time that gases are made. These acids give sourdough breads the tangy taste we all know and love.
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Hystory of Sourdough Bread
Before commercial yeast became available, people used wild yeast to make sourdough bread.
Many historians think that the Egyptians were the first people to figure out that flour and water could “come to life” and make a simple dough rise if given enough time, oxygen, and warmth.
Then, it was found that the bacteria and yeasts that made these lovely, risen loaves could be kept going by keeping a bit of the dough for the next batch of bread.
What’s great about sourdough starters is that each part of the world has one with yeasts and bacteria that are native to that area. This makes bread with different tastes and textures that are only available in that part of the world. One example is the “San Francisco Sourdough,” which is very well-known.
What's the best thing about sourdough?
Breaks up gluten
Sourdough breads need more time to rise and soak, which breaks down the proteins in the wheat into amino acids, making the bread easier to digest. Because of this, some people who are sensitive to gluten can eat sourdough wheat breads.
More Nutritious
Because sourdough breads go through a process called fermentation, many of the simple sugars in the grain are used up. This makes the bread better for people with high blood sugar. The process of fermentation also makes the bread more nutritious, especially when it comes to B vitamins.
Bread is naturally kept fresh.
During the fermentation process, lactic acid is made. This acid gives the bread a nice tang and helps you digest the grain. The acetic acid stops moulds from growing on the bread, which makes it last longer.
Neutralizes the Anti-Nutrients
Lastly, the bacteria in the sourdough help to turn on an enzyme called phytase, which breaks down phytic acid, which is an anti-nutrient that is found in all grains and seeds. This helps your body hold on to minerals better, since phytic acid can bind to minerals and take them out of your body.
One of the best things about the sourdough method is that you can make bread with very simple ingredients that you can even make yourself. Instead of buying a yeast packet for every loaf of bread you make, you can just add a dollop of your homemade starter, which is made from flour, water, and the yeasts and bacteria that are already in the air.